Class UniformTextureAtlas
This class represents an atlas of TextureRegion objects that is uniform. Uniform, in this case, means that the texture atlas' size is not determined by the width and height of the texture, but instead by the amount of sub-regions that the atlas has in the x and y direction. Using a uniform texture atlas over a regular texture as an atlas allows for texture artists to create higher resolution textures without coordinates becoming off.
public class UniformTextureAtlas : GenericDataHolder, IGenericDataHolder
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Inherited Members
UniformTextureAtlas(TextureRegion, int, int, int)
Creates a new uniform texture atlas with the given texture region and region amount. This atlas will only ever pull information from the given TextureRegion and never exit the region's bounds.
public UniformTextureAtlas(TextureRegion region, int regionAmountX, int regionAmountY, int regionPadding = 0)
TextureRegionThe texture region to use for this atlas
intThe amount of texture regions in the x direction
intThe amount of texture regions in the y direction
intThe padding that each texture region has around itself, in pixels, which will be taken away from each side of TextureRegion objects created and returned by this texture atlas.
UniformTextureAtlas(Texture2D, int, int, int)
Creates a new uniform texture atlas with the given texture and region amount.
public UniformTextureAtlas(Texture2D texture, int regionAmountX, int regionAmountY, int regionPadding = 0)
Texture2DThe texture to use for this atlas
intThe amount of texture regions in the x direction
intThe amount of texture regions in the y direction
intThe padding that each texture region has around itself, in pixels, which will be taken away from each side of TextureRegion objects created and returned by this texture atlas.
The TextureRegion that this uniform texture atlas uses as its basis. In most cases, Region has the full area of the underlying Texture.
public readonly TextureRegion Region
Field Value
The amount of sub-regions this atlas has in the x direction
public readonly int RegionAmountX
Field Value
The amount of sub-regions this atlas has in the y direction
public readonly int RegionAmountY
Field Value
The height of reach region, based on the texture's height and the amount of regions
public readonly int RegionHeight
Field Value
The padding that each texture region has around itself, in pixels, which will be taken away from each side of TextureRegion objects created and returned by this texture atlas. Creating a texture atlas with padding can be useful if texture bleeding issues occur due to texture coordinate rounding.
public readonly int RegionPadding
Field Value
The width of each region, based on the texture's width and the amount of regions
public readonly int RegionWidth
Field Value
Returns the TextureRegion at this texture atlas' given region position
public TextureRegion this[Point point] { get; }
PointThe region's x and y location
Property Value
Returns the TextureRegion at this texture atlas' given region position and size. Note that the region size is not in pixels, but in region units.
public TextureRegion this[Rectangle rect] { get; }
RectangleThe region's area
Property Value
Returns the TextureRegion at this texture atlas's given index. The index is zero-based, where rows come first and columns come second.
public TextureRegion this[int index] { get; }
intThe zero-based texture index
Property Value
this[int, int]
Returns the TextureRegion at this texture atlas' given region position
public TextureRegion this[int x, int y] { get; }
Property Value
this[int, int, int, int]
Returns the TextureRegion at this texture atlas' given region position and size. Note that the region size is not in pixels, but in region units.
public TextureRegion this[int x, int y, int width, int height] { get; }
Property Value
The texture to use for this atlas. Note that Region stores the actual area that we depend on.
public Texture2D Texture { get; }
Property Value
- Texture2D
Converts this uniform texture atlas to a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> and returns the result. The resulting dictionary will contain all square 1x1 regions that this uniform texture atlas contains, based on RegionAmountX and RegionAmountY, wich each key containing the TextureRegion at this[Point].
public Dictionary<Point, TextureRegion> ToDictionary()
- Dictionary<Point, TextureRegion>
The dictionary representation of this uniform texture atlas.
Converts this uniform texture atlas to a List<T> and returns the result. The resulting list will contain all square 1x1 regions that this uniform texture atlas contains, based on RegionAmountX and RegionAmountY, with each index containing the TextureRegion at this[int].
public List<TextureRegion> ToList()
- List<TextureRegion>
The list representation of this uniform texture atlas.