Table of Contents

Namespace MLEM.Textures



This class represents a texture with nine areas. A nine patch texture is useful if a big area should be covered by a small texture that has a specific outline, like a gui panel texture. The center of the texture will be stretched or tiled, while the outline of the texture will remain at its original size, keeping aspect ratios alive. The nine patch can then be drawn using NinePatchExtensions.


A set of extensions that allow for NinePatch rendering


A set of extensions for dealing with Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D


A struct that represents the data of a texture, accessed through GetTextureData(Texture2D).


This class represents a part of a texture.


This class provides a set of extension methods for dealing with TextureRegion


This class represents an atlas of TextureRegion objects that is uniform. Uniform, in this case, means that the texture atlas' size is not determined by the width and height of the texture, but instead by the amount of sub-regions that the atlas has in the x and y direction. Using a uniform texture atlas over a regular texture as an atlas allows for texture artists to create higher resolution textures without coordinates becoming off.



An enumeration that represents the modes that a NinePatch uses to be drawn